Wednesday, February 3

I'm reading a new show on Netflix

Clearly, I am very much into watching shows on my television lately. I started a new one today, and, don't laugh, it's in French. I didn't mistype that. It's not just set in France, no sir; it's spoken in French. Subtitles, my friend. Subtitles are my jam here, I guess.
    How this happened: I read an article today about shows that people shouldn't miss on Netflix. This particular show, "Lupin," was described as a heist-y, gentleman robber kind of thing, boasting excellent acting and good writing. Something totally up my alley. It did not say anywhere, that I remember anyways, that it was spoken in French. Maybe a note about it being a French show but maybe not? I don't know.
    Having said that, I realized it was in French when the title card came up and it was in French and there was an English subtitle at the bottom of the screen. I hesitated for a milli-second and then said out loud to myself in the room, "Hell yeah; let's do this!" The show has five episodes, or maybe four, with each one running about 45 minutes or so. I watched the first one.
    And here's the truth, it was really good. And I did read the subtitles all the way through, and after a while, I had forgotten that I was reading the dialogue instead of hearing it, and the show was just a show that I was enjoying.
    I took three years of French in high school, and I can understand maybe one in 30 words of this show. You know, the little words like yes, hello, thank you, food stuff names, maybe a random word here or there that I vaguely remember. Nevertheless, it's a good time ... in French!

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