Monday, November 15

And I'm super irritable about it

I have a confession to make. Something has come to light in my head rather forcefully over the last couple months, and it's that I am letting things go by, and not get done, and not get attempted, because my fingers and hand don't type well. A super random example: When my cowork
er Ashley was teaching me how to do a task at work, I realized that I was envious of her typing and how her fingers and hand moved so well. And in knowing that my fingers and hand don't work properly, I realized that I was afraid to do the job.
So, in a new attempt at making this thing better, I just ordered finger/hand compression gloves that perhaps will help me feel better. At any rate, it's disconcerting that I'm still so unhappy about this. I don't complain about it much, and I expect 95 percent of the people in my circle forget I deal with it, but it's a constant struggle and irritation and disappointment for me. Every minute of every day. Here's hoping that some random compression gloves may be helpful. We'll see on Wednesday.