Friday, February 19

Ice cream is a food group

A couple things:
    I've finally found The Cheesecake Factory key lime cheesecake ice cream, and it is quite delicious. I've been looking for a decent key lime pie ice cream ever since EIGHT YEARS ago when Blue Bell had one and it was amazing! But then we moved away from Houston, and it was a seasonal flavor that they've never added back into the rotation, and I've been bereft without it since. I've tried every key lime ice cream that I've come across, and they've all been ... bad. But this one? This one may just be the winner. Because in all honesty, it's been so long that I don't even really remember the other one. But this is seriously delicious.
    I'm super pleased to report that Brian took care of all the (two) tasks I had listed on a sticky note for him for today. Cheers to a close-by and relatively unbusy emissions testing center for helping this task get accomplished with ease and a lack of static or whiny texts.
    This afternoon, I enthusiastically recommended that someone I know watch "Gravity Falls." And I have to tell you, you all should take the time to watch a few episodes of this cartoon, too. It's been mine and Sydney's lunchtime entertainment for a couple weeks now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a delightful story with a sci-fi/mystery/adventure/super fun angle that can not be dismissed by any of you out there who may be saying to yourself right now, "A cartoon? Really?" Don't be snobby; check it out.
    Also, Brian started watching a show called "Fate: The Winx Saga" tonight, and I have left the room after three episodes because it is DRAMATIC. The story is very important, and the lead character is insanely important, and I know that because every other character seems to revolve around her and her issue-of-the-week situation. And they're all very, very DRAMATIC. I found myself rolling my eyes more than I was paying attention, and that is never a good idea, is it? So I left. I have no patience for that kind of thing.

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