Thursday, February 18

"If I had a million dollars... "

On a whim this morning, I asked Alexa to play Barenaked Ladies for me during kitchen time. I have to tell you, that band makes for a very nice, poppy and fun morning entertainment!
    It was a delight to sing along with their fun stuff while we got ready for work and school. Even Sydney enjoyed it, which, in the morning, is really saying something. I think BNL will become a regular rotation on the morning playlists from now on, and I'm very pleased with that.
    Here's the thing though: Alexa says she shuffles the songs, but I don't think she really does. Have you noticed that? Ask her to play music by some band. Then after a fashion, a few songs or a while, ask her to stop. Wait some time and then ask her to play music by that band again. Sometimes she starts with the same song, or one of the first three songs she played earlier, and then some repeat. Like, that's not shuffling, that's listing and then switching them around a bit. That's an issue for me in my head, but it's annoying, for sure.

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