Monday, February 15

And then the drawer opened ... more

I have an Ikea nightstand next to my bed that I love. It's white, has a drawer near the top, and shelf near the bottom, and as I mentioned in a post a couple days ago, now there's a shelf basket under that shelf to hold my magazines. The drawer has been an annoyance to me for several years because it doesn't open very far, and all the remotes and sundries in it have been difficult to place and remove.
    As one of my random projects this past weekend, I wanted to organize the drawer. In my opening and emptying, I got annoyed at its refusal to open farther, and so I just pulled at it. I muscled it as best I could, and the drawer finally gave for about two or three inches more. I don't know what it was caught up on, but suddenly, the drawer opens to a convenient distance. I don't have to twist and turn things to remove them anymore, and after a couple years, it feels weird to be able to just open the drawer and pull out the remote. It doesn't have to be finessed anymore!
It's stupid how big a deal this is for me. Convenience can not be understated.

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