Tuesday, February 9

He is ... Iron Man

It's pretty amazing that the entire crazy Marvel Cinematic Universe all started because of one little movie, "Iron Man." That was the up-next movie on the Disney+ Timeline Order, and we watched it this afternoon.
    It was the second time Sydney had seen the movie, which she totally loved the first time, so she was pleased and excited to sit and watch it with me this afternoon. And all I can say is that this movie completely and utterly delivers on the potential of the vision.
    It's weird to explain to someone who had seen almost all of the movies before she was a teenager how groundbreaking and mind-blowing that first MCU movie was. Like, we had no idea what was coming, and "Iron Man" just set the perfect tone for the entire Universe. So amazing. And Robert Downey Jr. is frickin' perfection from the beginning to the end(game). All amazing stuff there.
    And then Sydney had some RDJ questions for me. "What's your favorite non-Tony Stark role that Robert Downey Jr. has played?" Here it is: Sherlock Holmes, all day long. "What's you fave movie he was in but not the lead?" Aw, kid, are you ready? "Soapdish." That movie is weird RDJ perfection throughout. She looked him up in Google images from that movie, and has since giggled and gushed over his youth and cuteness.
    And next up is "Iron Man 2." All good stuff when beating up Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell, who dances, of course.

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