Friday, June 4

They think perhaps I'm an influencer?

I never realized how often I check my Instagram until this morning, when my account was disabled because I got hacked by a couple Russian dudes. STORY: I'd been getting those "attempted log-in" alerts for the last couple weeks, and also had be studiously ignoring them as a threat. Well yesterday I went to scroll through my feed and everything that I was seeing was in Russian. I immediately checked my log-in activity and while I had my own log-in where I was, there also were two more log-ins, one in Russia and one in Ukraine. I logged both those places out, and directly changed my password. I unfollowed all the accounts they had me following, about 75 other accounts, and thought that my problems were over.
    Until this morning, when I tapped to check out what was happening on my feed, and the app told me that my account was disabled. It had me follow a couple prompts with a security check and a code sent to me to input, and then they said that as soon as they verified that I was me, they'd give me my account back.
    I am not eager to wait very long. One place online said that these waits can be days, weeks or months. I did send an email to Support today, too, clarifying that I hadn't broken any rules, but was hacked, and would like my account back, please. Who knows how many of those emails they get, but I'm hoping I'll be back in business in another day or two. So here's the lesson, kiddos: Don't Ignore the Attempted Log-in Warnings. These f*ckin guys mean business, and it's very annoying when they are successful.

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