Wednesday, June 30

One more down, and still more to go

I managed to knock off another of my EXPECTATIONS today. Not a whole one, but a portion of one. I cleaned out Sydney's bathroom cabinet under her sink. It really didn't take as long as I had feared, as most of the stuff just needed to be tossed out, and only some stuff was worth keeping. I feel good though. That cabinet was one of those sore spots in the house that I knew needed to be addressed, but I dreaded getting near it. And now it's done, and that's pretty awesome.
    All that's left of that particular EXPECTATION as a whole is my bathroom closet, my shoes, the rolling cart in the office, and the file cabinet in the office. Coincidentally, most of those things will be easily finished with a bag and a trip to the trash or the donation bin. So much random stuff in this house. Also I'm growing a significant pile of electronics for recycling. The loft/office is my next task. ... for July.

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