Tuesday, June 8

I really, really miss those glasses

So I'm feeling kind of bad about the frosting right now because Sydney wants to make brownies and she's looking forward to putting her chocolate frosting on them, she said. Half the thing should be fine, but now I feel like what I did is just mean. Oh well, it is what it is. She was mean first.
    I'm finding that my penchant for donating things that I don't think I want anymore has become very annoying to me later in life. I have two perfect examples. This image to the left, I used to have in a small poster in a very nice frame. I got it at an art museum of repute, I assume, and I remember I had it hanging in my bedroom for many years. Right now? I have no idea where it is or what I did with it. I can't imagine that I donated it, but who can say. I go through these weird moments sometimes.
    Second example: Goldfish drinking glasses. I bought them at Crate & Barrel about a hundred years ago, I think at the outlet that was in Cabazon for a while. Clear glass with orange goldfish etched/melted into the glass sides. I had four. They were awesome. I have no idea where they are. Again, I can't imagine why I would donate them. I doubt they got lost in a move, so I never consider such a thing, so I'm sure I did something with them intentionally. And now I'm kicking myself regularly for them not being here with me anymore.
    I hate the thought of never donating anything again, and I won't stop donating extra stuff, but I feel like for some things, I'll need to institute some kind of five-year cooling period before getting rid of them. Just put those things to the side and if I find myself at any point within those five years wondering where that one thing is, I'll know I need to hold on to it.

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