Sunday, June 6

Just the cutest little robot ever

Happy Sunday, dear friends, and I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good, productive of a sort, and also today was a drag because we didn't really do anything, but I did a lot of laundry and some random futzing around my house. We really spent most of the day watching "Lovecraft Country," which I had already watched in its entirety, but Brian stopped watching at like the fourth episode. He enjoyed it, but also especially enjoyed being able to ask me questions about the whole thing. It's a good show, if completely crazy in places, so I didn't mind watching it again.
    I saved this pic of Wall-E from somewhere online and I decided to have it as my wallpaper for right now and I love it. Look how cute he is! He's so happy!
    I signed up for Roberta's 7-Day Peacefull Journey, and I'm eager to see how it goes. I'm not terribly peaceful, and I won't be able to participate in the yoga classes live because of work, but I'll try to fit the peaceful stuff into my afternoon. Which really shouldn't be a problem, but that is my eternal optimism. I always feel like I'll have the time for it all. One bit of peacefulness for tomorrow is that I have a package arriving, which is always good. Sydney has a package arriving tomorrow too, though she will be far less impressed with hers than I am with mine.

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