Tuesday, June 15

It's all about the pins and needles

So I had my first acupuncture today! It was very weird to be laying there, knowing that all these pins and needles were sticking out of me. I have to say that the needles that freaked me out the most were in my neck. They must have been effective, because my neck is still achy where they were. I do have some homework before my next appointment: try to cut some gluten, dairy and something else I can't remember from my diet. Also, be aware of how my body is feeling and spend some time considering a more holistic approach.
    Also I have shopping list for Amazon: muscle stimulator, neck extension collar, neck stretching pillow, and a topical ointment for my arm. Those I can definitely do. I'm not sure I can live a more holistic lifestyle diet-wise, but I can do my best, which is, ultimately, what he asked of me. He and I will talk tomorrow about how I'm feeling, and from there, we'll figure out when I should go back.
    The entire experience was an interesting and eye-opening one, and I'm eager to see how I respond to it with a full session under my belt and the experience in knowing what will happen. I expect I'll have a better reaction next time.

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