Tuesday, June 22

It's a wavy keyboard ... it's wavy

So the acupuncturist tells me that I need an ergonomic keyboard for work. And yeah, that sounds great. However, I do not type properly. Like, however we were taught to type in the correct way, that's not how I do it. My fingers go all over the keyboard, and I use like only a couple fingers on each hand, and it's not normal, but it's how I'm fastest and most efficient on the keyboard. So will the ergonomic keyboard work? Excellent question. I guess we'll find out, since I went ahead and ordered the keyboard. It'll arrive on Friday, and we'll start this weird experiment.
    In other acupuncture news, my experience was better and more relaxing today because I knew what was going to happen and how to handle it. I lasted better in the quiet, stabbed time, and the needles themselves weren't as funky and weird to feel. Still I had one in that place where my neck and shoulder meet, and that was new this time, and it made me cringe in a Stabbed In The Neck kind of way. The acupuncturist is pretty convinced that my issues are neck related, so that's what we'll be working on. Having said that, I have a weird headache originating from my neck area to behind my left eye, and I can't wait to take my Advil PM for bedtime.

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