Sunday, June 27

Never too many Tupperware measuring cups

Some stuff happened this weekend. First and foremost, I left Sydney with Mom for the week, and we'll all go out to California next weekend to spend a couple days out there and then bring her home. It's a weird experience to not have her here, but it's really not an entirely uncomfortable experience. She and her immediate circumstance is almost constantly on my mind, so to have her in the next state over is a relaxing and hands-off feeling that I'm not hating. And knowing that my mom is in charge is even better. Like, I know she'll eat and sleep and take her vitamins and have stuff to do during the day. Like me, but a grandma who is not her mom.
    What else? I am now a collector of vintage Tupperware measuring cups. Backstory is that I've always loved my Tupperware measuring cups, and when given the opportunity to grab some vintage cups from vintage kitchens, I take them. I have a set from my grandmother's kitchen and one from my mother in-law's kitchen. The cup pictured here is from one of those vintage sets, and this is the one-cup cup that has cracked in the dishwasher. So sadly, it's gone the way of the trash can. In response, I checked out vintage Tupperware measuring cups on eBa, and to my delight, there were many there searching for new homes! A lot of colors, and not a lot of money for me to acquire them. Seeing that they were not terribly expensive made me think that I really needed more than just the one new set, since I couldn't decide what color I wanted. I have since ordered a set in yellow, burnt orange, and avocado green. And I may keep collecting them. I will become that woman.

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