Wednesday, June 2

Clean living requires a reusable cup, evidently

JJ has said that June will be a month, 30 days, of clean living. She's exercising, and eating well for the entire month, and because of her influence, I have pledged to do much of the same. I won't be exercising, of course, but I will stick to my Weight Watchers firmly for the month, as I've been playing kind of fast and loose with my points for a bit. If I'm disciplined, I should be down some pounds by the end of it. I didn't do too well yesterday, but I was a good girl today, and I will endeavor to do well for the next 28 days.
    I bought an AJs reusable cup the other day for better reusable iced tea refills every morning. I had thought it would be about $20, but turns out that the cup is a Yeti cup, so it actually cost me $35. My refills though will only be a dollar every day, so the cup will pay for itself in 35 days, so that's positive. But the lid to the cup is a sippable one. I prefer life with a straw when it comes to my tea. So I did some Amazon research and discovered that Yeti does have a straw lid, and I have ordered it. Add another 18 days onto the "Cup Will Pay for Itself" calendar, because my preference has a cost. Why do my preferences always have a cost, and why are the never less than $18?

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