Thursday, January 7

Who steals a podium, really? You're so dumb

Wow. So then all that happened. I don't even know how to process the acts of cowardice, sedition, treason and terrorism that took place in our nation's capital yesterday. I'm horrified. My daughter wanted to know if those people could find our address and come after us because of how we voted. Hey thanks for that you shitty "American patriots."
I'm hoping that those responsible are held to account for the events of yesterday. Both the people who perpetrated the domestic terrorism, and those that incited, promoted and encouraged it. That includes the president, of course, but even the senators and representatives that have made it a habit of lying to these people to stir them up and try to muscle a government that is far less democratic and dangerously close to autocracy.
It's a pretty jarring thing what happened yesterday, and all I can hope is that steps will be taken to ensure that an insurrections like that will not happen again. I feel like that will be the result of sweeping voting rights, expanded voting places and registration, and easier voting protocols to encourage more civic engagement. I hope that the next few years will open up the voting process to everyone, and make it super easy for them to participate.
Until then, I'll happily sit back and watch those f*ckers go to jail for what they did.

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