Monday, January 18


I spent a few minutes the other day coming up with my 2021 EXPECTATIONs, and I think I'm ready to share them with you.
EXPECTATION 1: Save some money, and pay off some stuff. Almost immediately, within a month or two, I can start saving more for my new car, and pay off one of the credit cards. My new raise and the lack of a student loan with help with that almost immediately. Once that card is paid off, payments towards another card can get more hefty and aggressive. And hopefully, this time next year, I'll be in better shape.
EXPECTATION 2: Relax the grip I have on Trazodone to sleep. I started taking it last summer, and I can't seem to sleep well without it. I need to just take a couple weeks and wean myself down, but it's proving difficult, and the sleep doesn't come as readily without my full dose.
EXPECTATION 3: I'd like to write/finish two new Mystic & Boysen stories. I don't know if I'll invest in having them developed into books, but I feel like I've got another couple stories in me. I'd like to try, at least.
EXPECTATION 4: The Monthly Goals. One book per month, one new show/movie per month. I miss exercising my brain with some books, and I have so many shows and movies to watch and binge, it's crazy. I'm going to hope for more than one a month of each, but I figure one is a good goal that will probably get met with ease and regularity.
EXPECTATION 5: Get back on the WW wagon. I've fallen off since before Christmas, though I haven't gained much, and I'm still 11 pounds from my goal, so I really need to jump back on that wagon big time. I did okay today, even accounting for the desserts, and I'm feeling better about tomorrow and the next day. Let's get back to losing instead of gaining, okay?
EXPECTATION 6: Try the inflatable mattress on the folding bed in the guest room. If Mom likes it, we'll stick with it, if not, we'll get a new mattress.
EXPECTATION 7: Fix/replace/organize house stuff, including, but not limited to, donate some puzzles to make room for more; change decor stuff on my dresser; purge stuff; Sydney's bathroom cabinet, and her bathroom decor; Sydney's bedroom linens; bookshelf in office; my bathroom cabinet, under bed, office cart and file cabinet, and shoes; figure out something cool for hallway cubby wall.
EXPECTATION 8: I'd say eat better and cook something every once in a while, but who are we kidding with that?

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