Wednesday, January 13

Fun times today, my friends

TYPING IS FUN: I'm typing here after about two minutes with the arm massager going on my forearm muscle. I don't know if it's foolish hopefulness, or that I just really want it to feel better, but I think maybe it may have helped just the littlest bit. Maybe? I'll be better able to tell tomorrow morning at work, and tomorrow afternoon, I will try a full five minutes with the massage gun. I guess five minutes would be okay? I'll google it, I suppose, to see. But it sounds like a good timeframe to my brain.
RAISES ARE FUN: I did something today that I've never done in my life: I asked for a raise. I've never done it because all my jobs have given me one every year after the annual review. Reminder that I hate, hate, hate annual reviews, and the fact that I don't get one at this job is almost a good enough reason to not expect a raise, but still. Anyway, my boss thought that I definitely deserve a raise, and she was surprised that I hadn't gotten one in five years, so she said she'd talk to the company owner about it. So in addition to increasing my working hours a day to six, now it looks like I may get a raise, too. This makes me happy.
NOT CHRISTMAS IS FUN: I have finally started taking down my Christmas decorations. I normalized my living room and my kitchen today, and for a time, I just sat in the living room and considered spending the next year in there because the rest of the house is so overwhelming. Anyway, those two Christmas bins are filled and packed to the brim, and I've prepared the dining/powder/laundry room bin for tomorrow morning. Once that bin is done, it's time for upstairs and the always delightful "random" bin that just takes in all the stuff that won't fit in the specific room bins.
ORGANIZATION IS FUN: I'm thinking about going to Ikea this weekend. Like, a birthday trip to Ikea. Doesn't that sound fun? I've seen a bunch of stuff on its Facebook posts that looks intriguing. OH! But do you want to know where else I want to visit? The Container Store! My OCD is super kicking in the last couple days and some cool and fun containers are an ideal thing for me, I think. I haven't been to one of those stores in a few years, so I feel like it'll be a pretty awesome experience.

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