Wednesday, January 20

Sleep well and deeply, for tomorrow is a bright day

So that was a pretty extraordinary day, wasn't it? Almost extraordinary in its normalcy, if that's possible. No drama, no divisive rhetoric, no pouty faces or horrifying displays. A normal day and a normal inauguration. A normal president. I can't imagine that so much of the country doesn't sleep better tonight knowing that they won't wake up tomorrow wondering what our country's leader tweeted about while he was sitting on the toilet at 3 a.m. I feel a general, though great, sense of, "Ah, the adults are in the room now."
    Also, hey ladies, there's a woman sitting in national office and she's rock-solid awesome. All the displays of solidarity and support shown on a national stage today made me so happy and proud to be a part of that glorious sisterhood. I had hoped to live to see a woman president, and I will take a woman vice president as a step in a very positive way every fucking day of the week. She's a glass-shattering, iconic, pillar of amazingness, and I'm so happy I was able to see her get sworn in today.
    And a moment for Amanda Gorman, who put together such a stunning poem with beautiful cadence and enviable wordsmithery (not a real word, but applicable here). Her recitation, her gestures, her words and her poise make her my new hero, and I can't wait to see what she does next. Poets don't get enough (or any) respect in this world of memes, YouTube videos, 24-hour coverage and un-nuanced all caps, so it was a breath of fresh air to watch Anderson Cooper fanboy over her in an interview and then to listen to all of the CNN panel gush over her. She tweeted tonight that her books are now number 1 and 2 on Amazon, and I can think of no one that deserves that kind of recognition more. She was a stunning surprise to me today, and I'm now a lifelong fan. Give her a follow on Twitter: @TheAmandaGorman.
    I'm eager to sit tomorrow and read about all the good that has already been done, and how no one has suggested or done anything terrible to anyone. This is the dawn of a new day, kids, and I'm feeling good.

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