Tuesday, January 26

Who said the desert doesn't get super cold?

There was no "snow" today, so it was a pretty normal existence for us this Tuesday.
    Having said that, it was quite cold outside all day. The high temperature was 48 degrees, and it was wet and gray clouds and stormy looking. Actually, I quite loved it. I wore an actual hat, and put on an actual jacket for work this morning. I wore cozy shoes, and had the seat heaters on whenever I was in the car. Sydney and I journeyed out to Dunkin' for hot chocolate amongst our afternoon activities. It was pretty awesome. I believe it's supposed to be cool tomorrow and for the rest of the week, too. What am I discovering though? I need more sweaters.
    Also, proving what we already knew after living in this house for almost eight years, this place is terrible at keeping the outside temperature outside. During the summer, we can't keep the house cool. In the winter, we can't keep it warm. As for today's wretched cold and super cold forecast tonight, I'm thinking of keeping the heater on overnight. I have never done that, and I think if I do it, I'll have to lower the thermostat to 66 instead of the 68 it's been at all afternoon and evening. No need to go crazy, right?
    "I said Brrrrr, it's cold in here... There must be some winter in the atmosphere..."

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