Tuesday, April 7

We celebrate the Easter Bunny in this house

A couple things ~
First of all, my daughter actually said to me this afternoon, "We're doing Easter? I thought we weren't going to do Easter this year..." because of the quarantine and stay-at-home orders. I had just come home from Target with sundry groceries, but also with an egg dying kit. It is because of the kit that she said this. I said to her, "Do you even know who I am? Skip Easter? Because of this?" as I waved my arms indicating the entirety of the planet. "Of course we're doing Easter!" I got a hug for that, and no doubt she's excited to see what the Bunny puts in her basket.
Secondly, I finally got my work computer set up for remote working, but the IT guy still hasn't sent me the instructions for how to log in. I emailed him a while ago and he said that he'd get them to me soon. They still haven't arrived. I'm kinda eager to try this work-from-home thing, so it would be awesome if he would follow up.
Thirdly, our quarantine entertainment for today was a viewing of Pixar's "Onward." I won't lie to you, I was not eager to see this one. I have no basis for that opinion, I just wasn't feeling it. But when your kid steps away from the computer and says, "Hey; let's watch a movie together," you stop what you're doing and watch a movie. Anyway, it was really good! Of course, as it's Pixar, it made me cry at the end, but I genuinely laughed out loud several times, and yes, I recommend it.
Fourthly, it's supposed to be cooler the rest of this week and over the weekend, and of course it will because I refolded all the sweatshirts and sweaters in the closet for their summer hibernation. And now we just might be able to wear them again this season.

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