Wednesday, April 8

Finally, I'm an at-home worker bee

I worked from home today! And it was a really cool and weird thing to do. It was a trip to be able to sit at my laptop at my dining room and have my actual work computer in front of me. Technology is CRAZY! I spent my allotted time at the computer, but it's an odd feeling when you're usually looking over your shoulder to see who can see your screen, to not have to care about who can see the screen, because no one can. So everything is in good shape and I'm now working from home during the stay-at-home order.
Having said that, I was super stressed out today that something emergency-like was going to happen and I wouldn't be around for it, or that they would know every time I got up to do something not work during my usual work hours. And that was some bizarre big-brother guilt that I think I'll get over pretty quickly, but for today, super distracting.
My set-up is pretty sweet though. I'm down in the dining room so Sydney can do her online classroom upstairs with no distraction from me, with my spiral notebook and notepad, my mousepad and old-lady ergonomic mouse, and my glasses, hot tea, and water bottle. It was remarkably comfortable. But the laptop screen is smaller than the iMac at work, and the resolution on the screen isn't as crystal clear, so I had a hard time reading a couple things here and there. With my glasses on, even. Without the glasses it was a fuzzy mess. I'm totally ready to do this all again tomorrow.

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