Monday, April 27

Indeed, a change of pace

This was the most un-Monday Monday ever. I had to stop myself a couple times and remember that it was indeed Monday, and not Sunday. What a weird thing this is, this stay-at-home situation.
So let's see. What happened today. I faxed my unemployment paperwork into the place, and we'll see how that progresses. I took Elliot to the vet for her annual appointment. It was bizarre though to have them come out to the car, take her in, come out with questions and whatnot, and then for them to bring her out after I paid via phone. I didn't like it. Elliot gets nervous at the vet and shakes a lot, so it was bothersome to me that I wasn't able to hug and cuddle her as much as I do while she was in there.
I didn't watch any movies or television shows today. I did start a book today, though, so that was fun.

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