Sunday, April 19

Fuchsia, fuchsia, bo- buchsia ...

And another stay-at-home weekend comes to an end. Once again, little to nothing of interest was accomplished. The big outing yesterday was a bust on two counts, and all I can say is that we successfully donated three bags of clothes, picked up a prescription, and got some overpriced Chinese food for lunch. Today, even less was done. Sydney and I bought a big bag of popcorn, and got some lunch at Sonic. And then we were home.
What I did get done today was the big outdoor plant shift of spring. You see, when someone lives in the desert and has outdoor plants, one must be more than vigilant when protecting them from the summer sun. That means moving them from all-day winter sun to part-day summer sun. Very few plants, even those that say "full sun" in their preferences, can really handle the full sun of the Arizona summer. So those that can (cactus, and mostly just cactus) are shifted into the full-sun spots of the patio, while the others (lavender, rosemary, mint, jasmine) are moved into the patio-covered, partial-sun, and/or closer-to-the-house places.
The fuchsia, most importantly, was moved inside the slider into the dining room. This was done with the hopes that it'll survive the summer in the cooler confines of the house. This is this year's experiment, of course, as last year's fuchsia experiment was just keeping it nearer the house and shaded, and spritzed whenever I remembered. It died in a quick week once the temperatures really started to rise, and I do not want such a thing to happen to this little love.
Also, duly noted that mint, rosemary and lavender are natural mosquito repellants. I'm counting on that to make my summer better, too.

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