Saturday, April 4

It wasn't our weekend, but it was still fun

I know that I missed last night's post, but I decided to get hammered on a Zoom call with all my soul sisters instead. We were all supposed to be in Palm Springs for a girl's weekend this weekend, but plans get f*cked with there's a pandemic. So rather than hang out and drink together all weekend, we settled for a four-hour Zoom where we all looked at each other's faces and drank together from our respective homes. At least no one had to Uber or drive anywhere, and we social distanced, so it was a safety win all around.
I didn't sleep too well last night after that, what with the margaritas rolling around in my stomach, and I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight. I didn't drink enough water today though, so I'll have to be a good kid tomorrow and hydrate like crazy.

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