Thursday, April 9

If I'm not there, I'm not there; but now it's here

So here's something weird. I'm working at home now; I'm putting in my four hours. But I have this consistent nervousness in my stomach about missing something, or about my bosses thinking that I'm not working enough, or that something weird will happen and it'll be my fault. This is never, ever the case with the job normally. I have a very serious case of disconnect once I leave the actual office until I return to the office the next business day. I don't think about the job when I'm not at the job, besides some random thoughts here and there, but it's not anything I worry or stress about in general. So this feeling of constant and vague unease is totally weird and foreign and unwanted.
I started another show that I hadn't had the chance to sit and watch until our friendly neighborhood beer plague came along: "Penny Dreadful" (above). That show is totally in my wheelhouse, but it's super odd and more than a little scary with all the horror movie characters, and I'm six episodes deep into the first season after one day. Only two episodes left in this season, and only two seasons after this one. It's pretty awesome, but it's giving me a little fright, too.

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