Saturday, February 1

I guess more happened today than I thought

ITEM!: The Super Bowl is tomorrow, and for the first time in like four years, I don't have a horse in the race and I don't care who wins. Selfishly, I don't want any team that isn't the Patriots to win, but I think my fantasy of everyone losing will go unfulfilled. In fact, my friend Tania texted me to see if I wanted to bet on some squares, but as I told her, in doing that, I would begin to care who wins the game. I don't want that, so I said no thank you to the betting thing.
ITEM!: It looks like I'm going to be getting a new, but old, car. Brian's parents don't want their Tiguan anymore, and they're buying a truck, and they asked me if I want the Tiguan. So, I'm going to take the Tiguan, drive it for a few years, and then we'll give it to Sydney to drive, as she'll be 16 at that time. Then I'll get my own new car, and it'll be red. It's a great idea, and a financially prudent one, and it'll work out better for the family all the way around.
ITEM!: I visited the Local Author Book Sale at the library this morning. I don't think I was expecting anything amazing out of it, and I didn't get anything amazing out of it. I chatted with a couple authors there, and they're in the same boat I am, with self-published books and no literary agents. I did get some good ideas so far as marketing though: signage, props and giveaways. There are a lot of local authors out there in Scottsdale, you guys! I'm ready for next year's sale, for sure!
ITEM!: It's February, and the year is already one-twelfth over! I think I'll bring in the Valentine's Day decorations bin in the morning, and perhaps get some hearts up and about the home tomorrow. I'm not feeling too terribly enthusiastic about it, but maybe by just doing that, I'll feel better about the holiday. Also, it's time to write out the bullet point to-do list! Also, I was reminded that when we lived in Boston, February was the coldest month of the year. So I thought that this month's avatar should reflect that.

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