Thursday, February 20

Thursday night movie was a winner

ITEM!: We watched "Jojo Rabbit" tonight, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love Taika Waititi anyway, and this film was super smart, and funny, and heartbreaking, and beautiful in every awesome way. I'll not give anything away, but I'll tell you that I totally understand why it was praised so far and wide. The kid in it was wonderful, and Scarlett Johansson was wonderful, and Taika himself was inspired. We all really enjoyed it.
ITEM!: I've found an editor for my newest book, and I'm excited to get it to her soon and see what she has to say about it. I'm always eager to learn what someone else thinks of my work, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what she finds wrong that I didn't notice. Last time, I was really pleased with the editor's comments and suggestions, and I expect I will be again this time with someone new.
ITEM!: I returned another unread book to the library yesterday. I've realized that I haven't read a single book since before the Christmas holiday, and while I'm feeling the lack of mental exercise, I'm not really missing the reading. No doubt I will be reading again soon, but as of now, I'm fine without a tome in hand and carrying it up and down the stairs two to three times a day. In fact though, I've got two brand-new books in my queue that I'm really excited to read, so as soon as I get those, I'll dig in to them, for sure.
ITEM!: Brian's birthday is Sunday, and in celebration, Sydney and I will make him a German chocolate cake to enjoy. We need to stop and pick up the proper frosting for the cake, but other than that, we're ready to go. I swear he prefers this cake because he knows I won't eat any of it because the frosting is super, super gross, but I also know that this has always been his favorite cake. I made him a good one last year, so my hope is to recreate that masterpiece.

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