Saturday, February 15

I have no Doughnut-est Batman

I hadn't planned on blogging about doughnuts tonight, but then Krispy Kreme went and posted this to its Instagram today, and my plans changed. Also changed are the plans that I had to drive to Sprinkles tomorrow and pick up a couple of their chocolate, chocolate chip with raspberry frosting cupcakes. Now, it seems very much like I may be driving to Krispy Kreme.
It's not just that the doughnut picture looks amazing, because that's actually enough, but the picture is of my favorite doughnut at Krispy Kreme, the chocolate iced. I know that I'm an impulse buyer who is very easily influenced to get something that I've seen on television. But I mean, really, Krispy Kreme. Why you gotta tempt me like that?

So Sydney messed up in her behavior a couple days ago, and she's got no electronics to keep her company for a couple days, so she's been spending a lot of time with us, and we've been watching movies. For some reason related to Heath Ledger's Joker, she was interested in watching the Christian Bale "Batman" movies, so this afternoon, we finished the last of those three films. She did enjoy them quite a bit, so I think she's going to end up a Christian Bale-Batman kid, even though the first Batman she saw on screen was Ben Affleck.
I don't really have a favorite Batman. I have a Real-est Batman (Bale); Hottest Batman (Ben Affleck); Best Batman (Val Kilmer); Boring-est Batman (Michael Keaton); Funnest Batman (George Clooney); Not-Seeing-the-Movie-est Batman (Robert Pattinson). Regarding the Bale Batmans, I don't think I've sat and watched the second and third movies since I'd seen them in the theater. I don't like what happened with the Rachel character in the second movie, I have to say, and how Alfred behaved in the third movie. So that's why. I like the Bale-Batman; I just am not a fan of a couple subplots there.

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