Sunday, February 16

The praise from the Watch is important

Sydney and I went to the zoo this afternoon, and it was a pretty awesome activity. We didn't get there until a bit after 1 p.m., and the parking lots and lines were full up. We were able to get a decent spot though, inexplicably, and then managed a quick line through the entrance gates.
One of my goals was to see the Mexican gray wolf pups. There are five of them, if memory serves, and while they're almost grown at this point, they're still puppies. I really wanted to see them before they if/when get separated. What's cool is that the zoo maintenance crew has cleared away a lot of the brush and cover the wolves had previously, so we were able to see them very well. They wandered around and were laying down, and they were acting like little wolves thank you very much.
We also saw javelinas, mountain lions, golden eagles, burrowing owls, lion, tigers and elephants. Also one of my favorites, the large tortoise, was relatively active, but incredibly photogenic today. Check out that pic: the tortoise is yawning, and I got a picture of it. I love pictures of animals yawning, and I am beyond ecstatic to have gotten this particular image.
As for everyone else at the zoo, no one was moving around much at all, since it was mid-afternoon, and wouldn't we all rather be napping anyway. It was really nice though, for Sydney and I to walk around and get some exercise.
But here's the irritation: I forgot to put on my Apple Watch, so I didn't get a single step of credit for walking as much as I did today. For someone who doesn't move much anyway, I always look forward to the opportunities I get in gaining points/credit/praise for moving and closing the rings on my Watch. Today, no dice. I'll have to plan better next time.

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