Monday, February 24

Again, as I said yesterday, overwhelming

I had to make the mental decision to realize that even though these people who want to buy my car may have a sense of urgency, I do not have to have one. I have started a list of first-come, first-serve for looking at it and having the option to buy it. Our first appointment is tomorrow afternoon, and she has the first right of refusal. If she refuses, I'll move on to the next person and so on.
I won't lie; this is totally stressing me out. I've never done this before. I don't want to do it now. I'm doing it because I need a not-11-years-old car, and because this will work out better for all of us in the long run. I know for sure that this is the smart play, but I feel like having to sell it myself is a special form of torture. It's bad enough to just have to drive away from a car in a dealer's lot, but finding someone to take it from me? Ugh.
It's time to take control of my email inbox though, for sure. Tomorrow morning, I'm deleting all the emails that came from the people who wanted to know if the car was still available, but haven't gotten back to me in the last 24 hours after I replied to them. So that'll clear out like 40 percent of the car emails, and that'll make me feel better. The next day, I'll do the same thing to today's unanswered email replies. Eventually, this will be controlled, and finished.

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