Tuesday, February 4

"Inside the NFL" is a delight

I'll admit that even thought last year's final episode of "Inside the NFL" had much better subject matter, this year's final episode was much more entertaining. I laughed out loud several times, and the crew for sure made for some great television.
First of all, Ray Lewis is a treasure, and should be protected at all times. Not that he needs anyone to protect him, he's still a beast. Brandon Marshall brought the awesome, between having the stack of cash to make good on Phil's challenge, to his confetti angel after winning the pick segment trophy, he was a delight. And Phil Simms actually doing the 20 pull-ups! I'll note that we were told that the pull-ups would be the hard ones with the hands facing out rather than those parallel bars he pulled up on, but I guess if they were good enough for Ray, they'll be good enough for me.
This show is must-see TV for me on Tuesdays during football season, and this year, it did not disappoint. I'll miss it until next season!

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