Wednesday, February 19

I read my book to kids today and they liked it

It's later than I want it to be right now, but I have to tell you, I had a great day today. I was guest reader at a local elementary school, where I read them "Mystic and Boysen Go to the Dentist." I read twice, to kindergartners and first graders, and left each grade with a copy of the book. They all were super into the story, had a ton of questions, and best of all, were incredibly complimentary! Also best of all, I used them as beta testing for the Christmas book, and both grades totally liked the story!
This was my first reading to a group, as well as the first time I'd read the book to a child not Sydney. I mean, I die, because these little muffins of brutal honesty told me several times that they liked my story, and that it was good. And now, I'm super excited to get the next book done, and get into more readings.
They don't know it, but they've given me an incredible boost of confidence in my creation. It's nice to have adults tell me the book is great, but to hear it from the target audience is pretty heady stuff. I absolutely can not get over how great my day was.

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