Thursday, February 6

Its name is long and unwieldy, but it's super cute

This picture here is of a little succulent called a Anacampseros Telephiastrum Variegate. I ordered it through Amazon, after I read an article about it being a pink succulent. I'd never ordered a plant from Amazon, have you? Anyway, it arrived fine, but was way tinier than I thought it would be. I potted it about a week ago, and you know what, as evidenced by this picture (evidenced to me, not really to you, since you didn't see it before), it's doubled in size since then. Can you see the little bit of pink on a couple of those tips? I'm so excited to see this little dude grow and thrive. It's going to be an inside succulent, for sure, so it'll be happy year-round, and its growth should be pretty awesome to document.
I've really developed a weird enjoyment out of growing my succulents lately. I've got a couple outside, and another one that I'm nurturing next to this dude. My outside aloe vera has gotten quite large. I need to research harvesting the aloe at some point; that seems like a good thing to have on hand.
In crossing a pretty big to-do off my list, tomorrow, Brian and I are visiting the DMV to get our RealID driver licenses. I have all the paperwork we're supposed to have, including the pieces of mail and the birth certificates. I was really kind of surprised/excited that I managed to have everything that we need. Here's to short lines and personable employees, friends. I feel bad enough that Brian has to spend a day off at the DMV, so please, make it a quick and painless visit.

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