Monday, February 17

Television is treating me right tonight

I'm watching some extraordinary television tonight, you guys. Currently, at this moment, I'm watching episode three of "McMillions." Earlier tonight, we watched "LEGO Masters" and "Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist." And I have to say, this is some good stuff.
McMillions -- I had no idea that this whole thing happened around the McDonald's Monopoly game, and the process of the fraud is beyond fascinating. The FBI agents, and the people who helped perpetrate the fraud, and the McDonald's people are all talking, and they are unraveling a story that is totally amazing. I have no idea how many episodes there are, or how much information is still left to be told, but I am in for the long haul.
LEGO Masters -- "I don't think that you understand LEGO" is a real thing that a real person said to another real person. The dynamics behind the LEGO builds and the teams is captivating, and I can't not watch this. We already have our favorite teams, as well as the teams that we wouldn't mind seeing go away. Will Arnett is always a delight, and I'm super intrigued to see how this goes. I also like very much that Sydney is enjoying watching it with me! We're having so much fun rooting for the people we like!
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist -- I love musicals. I love musicals on television. And "Zoey's" is delivering some awesome musical ambrosia for me. It's got sweet family stories, a love story or two, a character to cheer for, a good role model, and some really kicky song choices. Also, it's another show that Sydney is excited to watch with me every week! It's so good, and I hope a lot of people are watching it because I don't want this show to stop.

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