Tuesday, February 18

One of the most wonderful times of the year

Do-Si-Dos and hot tea are the best snack combination. I was very pleased to see that the Girl Scouts had set up a table at AJs on Sunday while I was there visiting with Leslie. I had only $15 cash on me, so could only buy three boxes of cookies, but you can bet that the Do-Si-Dos were one of them. (Also purchased: Somoas for Brian and Trefoils for Sydney.)
I just opened up my third box of cookies this afternoon, but lest you think I'm just demolishing them, I have been putting three in my bag for work snack everyday, and that's the only time I eat them, so I'm not pigging out, by any means. Also, I don't have to justify my cookie eating to you! Yes! I just opened my third box of Do-Si-Dos! SO WHAT?
I typically get an extra box to put in the back of the freezer so I have one in case of emergency, so I definitely need to pick up more cash and go hunting for more cookies. Oh; I just checked my Cookie Finder app, and it looks like there will be cookies for sale through March 1. Most excellent! I will find them and I will acquire them! COOKIES!!

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