Wednesday, February 26

I will miss you, chocolate croissants

So today is Ash Wednesday. I am not Catholic; I am not religious. We celebrate Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny just as much as we celebrate witches, ghosts and vampires, and leprechauns ... and Mardi Gras and Cinco de Mayo.
The topic of Lent is brought up because my friend Kerry is honoring Lent by cutting out her salty snacks. JJ is cutting out sodas. I have decided that in an act of solidarity, I too will cut something from my life. I even told my two friends so that I can be held accountable. I am cutting out pastries of all kinds, and side dishes. Side dishes meaning French fries, garlic bread, chips, stuff like that. If I can manage to pull that from my daily food intake, I'll be in good shape. Caveats and exceptions: Chipotle chips with my salad nachos, and waffles fries at Oregano's.
Because I opted in to Lent, in my own peripheral and non-Jesus way, JJ has upped her sacrifice by also cutting fried foods. I will not be doing that, because if I cut all fried foods I'd like die from starvation. I'm trying to figure out what I can add to my Lent to even the stakes, but I feel like ditching the pastries is a pretty big thing.
So quick question: Is Lent all about food products? Wine? Sugar? Or is it behavioral, too? So like no gum chewing or nail biting, or farting in a kitchen? What does Lent entail entirely? Time to Google God stuff, I guess.

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