Sunday, March 1

Have I really not posted since Thursday?

Stuff has happened, people.
First and foremost, the Jetta has been sold, and the Tiguan is now in my garage. It all happened quickly on Saturday, and I'm sad, but it'll be an okay thing once I get used to the car. It's weird sitting up high in a car again, and it's weird not having a turbo engine. It's all weird, but I'll get used to it, of course. One less thing to be randomly overwhelmed by.
We had a great day of teambulding at work on Friday, and our activity was a scavenger hunt through Old Town Scottsdale. It was fun, but certainly exhausting. My steps activity: 9,390 steps, three flights and 4.7 miles walked. I am too old and out of shape to be walking AND RUNNING through town taking pictures of random shit for a contest. My team won.
Tomorrow I get a chance to catch up on my work stuff though, so that's good.
I've bagged up all the clothing donations; chosen an already read book to read again; put some money away for my fun weekends that are upcoming; and my finger has healed. So really, my overwhelming stuff is way less now.

As for March, I already have put up my St. Patrick's Day decorations, and am looking forward to finishing up with the donations and reading some new books.
BOOK STUFF: My new editor has finished her first read-through of the new book, and had some good suggestions and some that I'm not too sure about. But that's what she's there for. I asked some additional questions, and I'm eager to hear back from her. Once we're done there, I'll send it over to Lydia for illustrating. Progress is a real thing happening right now.

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