Wednesday, March 4

Stuffy stuff stuff stuff

CAR STUFF: I'ver managed to check off a bunch of stuff on my random list for this week, and while that's a good thing, I think I still have a couple days and a couple tasks that need to be taken care of before I can relax. Obviously, I still need to get the title transferred for the car, and that'll be done tomorrow. The emissions testing went fine, as we all knew it would, and I believe that I have everything together for the title situation now. I need to Windex the inside of my windshield, too.
BOOK STUFF: My editor, Haley, is about done with the last of our edits, and I think it's getting to be time to send this little baby off to Lydia for illustrating. I'm pretty excited about this one; I think it's got legs.
SICK STUFF: Brian has a terrible cold and was home most of the day today and is staying home tomorrow, and he's confined to the living room and isn't allowed to touch us or get too close to us. I've reminded Sydney a couple times that getting too close to Dad is not permitted right now, and I'm pleased to see her adhering to that. He's got an upper respiratory infection, and an ear infection, and obviously, he could die at any moment with this drama.
DOG STUFF: My neighbor complained about Elliot's barking the other morning, and we've taken a couple steps to lessen Ell's stimuli during the day, in the form of no access to the window in my bedroom, and closed blinds in the downstairs window. I would say that it is working, but I don't know for sure, because I'm not home when she's alone and I don't know if she's barking or not. This is the dumbest thing. She's a good girl and I won't have anyone try to make me think different.
READING STUFF: One of the books I've been waiting months to read is finally in my possession, and I'm so eager to dig in some time tomorrow. I know it's been a while since I read anything, and it'll be weird to settle into a reading position, but I'm super ready for it. Sarah Maas is awesome.
WORD STUFF: Isn't it so fun that when you say a word enough times it starts to make no sense in your head and sounds weird for its context? Like, who created the word "stuff"? Why does "stuff" mean "stuff"? It's so bizarre sounding in my head right now!

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