Thursday, March 19

Delightfully delicious doughnut delivery

Social Distancing, Day Four:
My dedication to social distancing is a real hit and miss, for sure. Today, a miss ... kinda.
I made the family accompany me to Lowe's for some things. Yes, yes, leave the child at home, but come on, it was the first time she was outside the house in four days, I think. She does, absolutely, need to get outside for fresh air. And for that, she had to visit Lowe's. We needed a new tank of propane, and I needed some pot soil since I'll be spending time in my backyard gardens this weekend.
But I also discovered something amazing tonight. I got an email from Krispy Kreme in regards to their shutting down their interior seating, and in that email was a line about pick-up or delivery. DELIVERY. Holy crap, you guys, if you live within a 10-mile radius of a Krispy Kreme, doughnuts can be delivered to your door. This is a fantastic development. One that you have to pay an additional $4.99 for, but it's pretty wonderful nonetheless. Just the fact that Krispy Kreme can be delivered is a stunning example of some wonderful things going on in this world despite all the horrible things going on in this world.
We watched "Star Trek Beyond" this afternoon, and Sydney has decided that she prefers the second of the Chris Pine-helmed Star Trek movies. She enjoyed all three, but thinks the second is the better, and I can't say I entirely disagree, but I really love all three as a group and couldn't possibly pick a favorite, but I still like the first one the best. Chris Pine is so dreamy.
Currently, and perhaps this is a Cumberbatch thing adjacent to yesterday's movie, I have started watching the BBC series, "Sherlock." I've had it in my Netflix queue for quite a while, and I decided that tonight is the night to start it. For whatever reason, I decided that the 90-something minutes to watch "Dracula" was too much time, but the 90-something minutes to watch "Sherlock" is a fine investment. I'm digging my selection, though. And Martin Freeman is cool, too.

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