Thursday, March 26

And she cleans up messes better than her dad

Social Distancing, Day Eleven:
Sydney has decided that she is going to teach herself how to make and bake stuff during this isolation period. Last week, she taught herself how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, and a couple days ago, she baked her first batch of blueberry muffins.
Today, she made herself a list of the food stuffs she wants to try making/baking over the next several weeks. True to her genetics, most items are sweet treats to be baked. Brownies, cake and jello are just a few of the items she listed. I expect that her learning how to make sweet stuff is going to play havoc with me wanting to not eat sweet stuff.
I did talk her out of making beignets though, since I don't want her dealing with boiling oil, nor do I want to clean up boiling oil, or take her to the hospital with boiling oil burns, or put out flames of boiling oil, or really anything at all related to her and boiling oil. That was my only veto, I think. The muffins adventure was fun. I'm excited to see what she'll be doing next.

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