Tuesday, January 7

"Get Shit Done 2020"

You guys, I'm sitting on my bed writing on a laptop, comfortably ready to create something for my blog. Not entirely sure how creative I can be tonight, because I'm relatively tired and not feeling too terribly articulate, but here I am!
Here's my avatar for January. She's deep underwater, kind of like how I'm feeling goals-wise, but still showing a bit of confidence, because she knows that "bird by bird" things just might work out okay. Also, kind of like how I'm feeling about now. Still, it's early January, and I've got a lot of time to get myself together. Because this year is "Get Shit Done 2020."
It's all good though, friends, as I have an extensive bullet-point list of stuff to get done (it's not written yet, of course), and I feel like the bullet points will help the whole thing work out better. I love crossing things off a list, and this year will be an excellent one for that.
But check me out, I've already started on one of my EXPECTATIONs for the new year: Writing the blog again!

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