Sunday, January 19

Time to make a list, friends

So in honor of it being my birthday yesterday, Brian and I ate a couple "special" gummies last night. I'm here to tell you that the gummy did absolutely nothing for me. It was the second time that we tried them, and this time, maybe it's because we weren't doing anything fun, but I just got tired and wanted to go to sleep.
Brian will say that it was my fault because we ate them so late, but we ate them at like 6:30, and then we just sat and watched television. So in my opinion, it was lack of actual fun activities that killed the gummy experience last night. I'm not giving up, by any means, and I will try again, it's just that last night was a buster.
As for book stuff, I received my marketing postcards on Saturday, and they look super awesome, so now I've got something to hand out to people so they remember my book. I also emailed the procurement manager at a place to find out how I submit my book to their organization. So, I've made a query! Excellent! I need to create a bullet point list of people and places to query and submit though. I hate not being able to cross these things off as I tick through them.
The yearbook arrived at my doorstep yesterday, and it was super trippy reading through it again. Sydney's main takeaway? She was surprised that people wrote full paragraphs to each other in the yearbooks, rather than the irritating "H.A.G.S." acronym that the kids nowadays write ("Have a Great Summer," so you know). I've been complaining about H.A.G.S. for a couple years in regards to her yearbooks, and now she knows why. Kids these days are too lazy to even write out a paragraph for their friends' yearbooks.
I get to sleep in tomorrow morning because Sydney has the day off. That's all I have to say about that.

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