Sunday, January 12

#adultpersonproblems, I guess?

I saw a meme the other day that's one of those "you know you're an adult when" sayings. That particular day's saying ended with "you have a favorite spatula." This entertained me on a number of levels because I do have favorite spatulas.
I have favorite scrambled-eggs spatulas, from Ikea, of which I have three or four, and I actually bought a few of them for Mom's house because I didn't like her spatulas there. I have the better, thinner cookie spatula for when they're fresh from the oven. I have the better, smoother fried-egg spatula, for flipping eggs when making them for a sandwich. I have the beefy, thick spatulas, for mixing batters and heavy stirring.
What you see here is the fried-egg flipping spatula, that I think I've had for a good 25 years, and its current state. It got caught in the drawer, I've been told, and the end got wedged in the drawer and it broke. This is upsetting, you guys.
I have no idea how hard it'll be to find a new one of these; I've never looked for a replacement. But for now, at this moment, finding another one of these is an insurmountable task, and I'll have to live the rest of my life without the proper spatula for flipping fried eggs for my sandwiches.
I guess I really, really know I'm an adult now.

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