Tuesday, January 21

But really, I have many, many kryptonites

I love garlic bread. It's among my most favorite things to eat always, and I can never say no to it. Brian and I bought a box of frozen Texas toast the other day, and I decided to bake some with our dinner tonight. The pieces were nice and thick, but if you can believe it, they had just a touch too much butter because the toast wouldn't crisp at all. Still, I ate two pieces and I can't be mad about it.
I hate the after-effects of garlic bread. It is physically impossible for me to go more than an hour or so after I've eaten garlic bread before I have to brush my teeth. I hate the taste of garlic in my mouth. That is so well-known in my house that Brian came upstairs and sang a little "Kimmie hates garlic in her mouth" song as I brushed. He's clever, and I'm good with the song.
Garlic bread is my kryptonite: I'm unable to resist it, and it hurts me after I've finished with it.

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