Tuesday, January 14

A new ITEM! list for 2020

ITEM!: I received my box of author copies today, and now I only await the arrival of my marketing postcards. Then, it's time to hit the streets and start selling this book and getting it into stores and onto shelves. I've already got consignment sheets for two independent book stores, so I need to get them a couple copies. The it's on to other places. Time to start making my list!
ITEM!: I got contacted via Facebook by a woman in Camarillo who has my freshman year high school yearbook. The yearbook disappeared during some home improvements more than 20 years ago, and this woman's mother happens to have found it, and was in search of me. Of course, because I don't allow any Facebook notifications to my phone, I didn't discover this message until today. She'd sent it on October 30! So now I sit and wait for her to reply back to me, and hopefully set up a meeting with her and Mom to change possession of the book. I'm beyond eager to hear back from her, and hope that she doesn't make me wait more than two months before replying.
ITEM!: Of the nine Best Picture nominees, I have already seen two: "Ford v. Ferrari" and "Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood." I watched the first 30 minutes of "Joker," but I'm not counting that as a full viewing. I really have little interest in seeing most of the others, such as "1917," "The Irishman," "Little Women," "Marriage Story," and "Parasite." I do want to see "Jojo Rabbit." So, here I am again, in deep for the Oscars competition, and only having seen a minority of the nominated movies.
ITEM!: Thinking about diving back into the Weight Watchers. It worked so well for me, and I'm eager to get some structure and balance back into my eating. I didn't like how the program changed last year, so I'm hoping to get back to the program parameters I had a couple years ago.

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