Monday, March 1

I don't think I'd be a good ballerina

I thought I discovered something that I had done mistakenly, and I've been super pissed at myself for several days about it, to just now discover that I actually hadn't been making the error. So that's that. And really that was all I was going to write about tonight, so now I'm at a loss. And I'm going to leave it that deliberately vague. I chose the ballerina avatar simply because it exemplified something that I would never be able to do in real life competently, and that was how I felt when I thought I did the way wrong thing. But now it's moot.
    We finished watching "The Staircase" tonight. Thank goodness; I was so done watching it and just wanted to know how it was resolved. And now I know, and I have no opinion on it at all, except to say that I don't trust anyone who smokes a pipe who isn't named Sherlock Holmes.
    Also I'm awaiting a book at the library, and I'm second in line for it, and I'm super, super excited to get my hands on it. So when the library emailed me that my card would expire soon, I jumped on the renewal asap so I wouldn't run the risk of missing out on the book. And excitedly, the library has card designs that patrons can choose from, but sadly, that isn't an option when renewing online. So instead of a pretty card with the Gateway Trailhead on it, I get to keep my same old card with a picture of a library on it. That's no fun, but at least I still get to borrow books.

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