Tuesday, March 2

Dinner, dinner, who's making the dinner

I'm having self-esteem issues lately when it comes to making food for my family. Now I've never been a cook; I've never been one to spend time in the kitchen if I wasn't baking something sweet. And the concept of "making dinner" was never one that I embraced. I always thought about it, but never really put any effort into it. And lately, I've felt like an insufficient mother, because I can't feed my kid very well, and life partner, because I can't contribute to the household chores in that way.
    There are some things that I can make, and once again, I bend my brain towards the task of listing those things and putting into practice the making of them. I say "once again" because I have had these esteem spirals before, and have played with the idea of cooking more food, and then didn't do it. I know I need to just start small and go one meal at a time, but even that idea is daunting.
    Having said that, I think tomorrow I will stop and buy some kielbasa sausage for grilling and some rice for a side dish, and perhaps some green beans. Easy, peasy. I used to make sloppy joes as well, and I may just do that another night, too. And that will be my effort for the rest of this week.
    There's a reason something like this is never a New Year EXPECTATION. Because it's something that I don't really enjoy doing, feel peer pressured into doing, and tend to expect my own failure at accomplishing. But I think I'll give it an extra try and see if I can't just develop a like for the practice.

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