Sunday, March 21

I had a productive weekend

So I have finished reading a book, for the first time this year. I had an EXPECTATION to read one book per month, which should have been a no-brainer, but the pandemic has hit my reading brain hard, and I've been struggling with cracking a book. I just finished "A Court of Silver Flames" by Sarah Maas, which was awesome, and I haven't got anything for reading next. I have one book that I'm halfway through, and have been halfway through since July, and I don't have anything else on my To-Be-Read Pile. So I'm on the hunt, and perhaps will finish the other one this week. That will get me two books into the three months of 2021, so I'm still behind, but catching up.
    What else have I done this weekend? Sydney and I hit Ikea on Saturday, and then we all watched "Zack Snyder's Justice League" in the afternoon. Now that, my friends, is a lengthy movie. You know what he didn't spend any time on? Segues. ... Cut to black. New Part. Cut to black. New Part. Cut to black. ... Still, it was good, and worth the watch, and I may just have it be background music a couple more times. Perhaps. I don't know. Because really, it's a long-ass movie.
    Also I did get quite a lot of random household tasks accomplished. I found spots for all the new plants I brought home from California; laundry, of course; organized more donations for removal (knocked off another EXPECTATION there); unpacked my goodie bag from California; polished my nails; helped organize Sydney's room a little; and now I'm blogging.

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