Sunday, March 28

Shot in the arm, and now vaccinated

I had intended on writing a blog post last night, but I got home way later than I thought I would, and I was tired, so I didn't. Why late, you may ask. What were you up to, Kimberly? Well, friends, I was out at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, getting my first vaccination shot. The shot itself, no problem. I had quite a bit of soreness in my arm all day today, but aside from that, no side effects.
    The process of getting the shot was quite the opposite of no problem. I want to preface this by saying that I believe that the process was well organized and designed efficiently. The only issue was that there were just too many people in one space. Their site is/was just too big. My appointment was at 6:57 p.m. I made us all leave at 5:55 p.m. for the 34 minute drive. There was no traffic, and we exited the freeway at 6:15. We stopped in traffic at 6:19 p.m. I didn't get out of traffic, or out of line at all, until 8:43 p.m., when we left the facility. I got my shot at 8:31 p.m. The line snaked around and around, and I registered and checked in, and confirmed my identity and moved along again, and then finally I was in the end line for the shot itself. The lady said to me, "See that tent up there? That's the end for you! You're getting there!" Brian has opted to not accompany me for the second shot, and I can't say that I blame him.
    And sure, it was a pain and ridiculous time suck, but I've got my shot and I'm so happy! My next appointment is at the stadium in three weeks. It's my understanding that I can reschedule for a different location, which I will attempt to do, because I'd rather not go back to the stadium, but of course I will if I need to. And I'll do it again for Sydney if need be. This family is getting vaxxed!

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