Friday, April 23

Just a very, very slow day

Let me tell you something about my mom, you guys. She's always right.
    Well, okay, not always always, but more times than not always. Today was one of those days. She and I were on the phone as I made my way towards work this morning, while I basically told her everything I said in last night's blog post. Also, I added the fact that I didn't really have anything to do today. Her advice? Call in sick; go back home.
    I was almost to the office while this conversation went down, and my better angels told me that no, work was what I should do today. Well next time I'm going to tell those angels to shut the hell up, because my day was a snail. I was done with everything on my task pile by 9, and had naught but "whatever comes up" to get me through the rest of the day. And hey, guess what, little to nothing came up.
    This was the case both today and yesterday, and I really should have listened to my mom.

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